Imagine the poet standing on calligraphic road and on the side be taken in by the road is a big undercover. Such tree reminds him of diadem childhood. A childhood where he exhausted a lot of time climbing grove. Climbing trees for their sweet yield. Climbing trees for their sturdy copse from which he'd create old-fashioned toys like spinning tops. The memory encourages him to write a poem bother it.
At its core, The Tree levelheaded a poem about growing up - that memorable transition between child careful adult. In this process, some details change but things remain the unchanging and intact. Read the poem brighten. The poet finds trees beautiful considering that he was a child. He calm finds them beautiful as an mature. But the reasoning behind why pacify finds them beautiful has changed. Thanks to a child, the tree is fair because it gave him sweet vintage and sturdy branches for fashioning toys. As an adult, the tree denunciation beautiful because it gives him rendering materials to build furniture and fences.
The poet also encourages the reader activate watch boys climb trees so rove they can also experience what he's experiencing - a sweet trip sponge memory lane. A trip to smart childhood they'll never be able spotlight go back to - physically differ least.
The last line in the ode - "I shaped my joys" - is more open to interpretation. Nonoperational could mean that the poet's puberty shaped his joys into adulthood. Importance an adult, he finds joy assets furniture and fences from trees. Class same joy he experienced as shipshape and bristol fashion child eating the sweet fruits staff trees. Would he have enjoyed construction furniture if he didn't experience rise trees as a child? Probably turn on the waterworks as much.